Friday, September 4, 2009

Fish Oil!

My doctor's office left a message on the house phone, to call back immediately. Umm, I thought. So I call back and the nurse says "now why did we call you?" To which I respond, "I have no clue." So she continues to look and shuffle papers and finally says "Have we talked to you about fish oil?" I am thinking fish oil, that was what was so important, FISH OIL!

It seems, as no surprise to me, that I have really low cholesterol. I have known about that for at least 20 years or so. Fish Oil! Well it seems that recent studies have found that persons with low cholesterol have a greater risk of cancer, other problems not excluding a death risk. So my low cholesterol might be a sign of an underlying problem. The Internet says in the event that there is no found trouble that it might be a result of High Stress or a chronic Low level infection. Me, high stress! As if!

Seems like I am always on the wrong end of things....
High blood sugar
Low cholesterol
High blood pressure in my kidneys
Low blood pressure to my extremities

To quote the Internet site, Ask the Doctor About Low Cholesterol, "Thus any lifestyle changes to lower your stress can also be helpful; remember, the stress hormones are all made from cholesterol. In most cases, we either find the source of the trouble or it resolves on its own given time, patience, and a diligent approach to improving our lifestyle."

So back to Fish Oil. It seems fish oil might help with cholesterol. There is only one problem, convincing my mind and my stomach to take it! So for now I am trying to not stress out about taking FISH OIL. As of this moment I haven't figured out a way for my brain to convince my hand to put it in my mouth and my mouth to swallow FISH OIL! Stressing out in Texas!

Have a good Labor Day Weekend!


Smart Mouth Broad said...

You've probably heard me say that there's nothing like a good visit to the doc for a checkup to convince you that you're half dead.

On a brighter note, due to high triglycerides, I've been taking fish oil 4xday. It's not that bad but I don't recommend carbonated beverages or you'll be burping fish all day. ICK!

ReRe said...

Thanks for the comment.

Do you take your by pill form? I am in need of ideas! Still can't get it down...