Monday, August 10, 2009

Not looking back.

Last night on Drop Dead Diva the theme was trying to get the new Jane to move forward with her life and stop looking back. What's past is past and she can't go back. It was Jane's birthday, of course Deb did not know that. When she found out Jane was turning 32, and Deb was only 24, she felt robbed of those years. If you don't watch the show, this will be so confusing, sorry!

In studying history one learns the value of learning history is so history will not be repeated. I think I might have over applied this in my thinking. I am always so cautious about my mistakes, that I think I spend too much time looking back. In looking back, I never forgive myself of the bad choices I have made even though God is quick to forgive when I ask. He says He will put the our sins as far as the east is from the west. So why can't I do that for myself. No! I have to replay the thing in its misery over and over and over until I deem myself as worthless! In addition to cheating myself out of joy and happiness of living for today.

This week, I am going to change. Let the past be the past and live for right now! The joy, the tears, the right choices and the mistakes will be just that, TODAY-right now moments!

One thing God understands and I have a hard time with it, I am still His child growing everyday!

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